Thursday, November 21, 2013

Advertisement is important and it is a slight market instrument. In conditions of the developed market when there is high a competition and when every producer tries maximally to satisfy consumer’s needs, the advertising can be a crucial factor in decision making process. In simple words, advertisement is distributing information addressed to target group of consumers about the product and its features. Nowadays it became a usual thing for almost every industry. If you look around, you understand that all around us is advertisement. And more often question rises whether advertising is information or manipulation. On one hand advertising could be informative in terms of new products, new features of the product, new services, why this product is better than of the competitor, etc. On the other hand advertising is kind of enforcing of the product to the consumer through manipulation tactics. Manipulation used in advertising is based on mental process of decision making process and it manipulates consumers to follow the will of the producer.

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